LAB – Sound by Duarte Cardoso [9th of march to the 15th of march]

Duarte Cardoso has been working with me since 2005. He completed his 5 years University Education in Portugal in Grand Piano for Concert and mostly played contemporary artists. Apart from that, he has been extremely interested in composition and started his own personal studies on composition before his Post –Graduate Education achieved in the US. Duarte Cardoso has been working and composing for my pieces and it must be acknowledged that that this is a work where Duarte has the authorship to express his creations within the concept proposed.

By several meetings over skype I said to Duarte that once more I just had the need to give him my interviews in mp3 file and from that point would be his own interpretation from the concept and research I have been doing so far. Duarte created a superb piece and if any adjusts will be upon the feedback I will get on the 25th of March 2010 at the LAB2.
