Editing Video - Personal Comments | based on "Thinking Behind" - Diagram [04/02/2010] "

During the interviews video editing I started analysing the interviewed behaving upon each answer or comment. I concluded that 3 to 4 interviewed had the capacity to evoke the thinking on the question or statement and that could be perceived by their body language and expressions. Even not knowing some of the questions it is to state that the political consciousness and the capacity to comment and/or guess is part of their curiosity behavior. I would definitely state, concerning the “Thinking Behind" - Diagram that these people could be part of the category “those who get it” and “those who get it and do not get it”. I do underline once more that not knowing is not the fundamental in this interviews but rather the capacity to evoke the thinking on the question or statement. It can be perceived from the interviews that there are also people that are part of “those who do not get it” due to cultural differences which can be translated as an extreme honesty and vulnerability. The categories “those who get it but realise there is nothing to get”; “those who are very confused”; “those who do not get it and realise there is nothing to get” and “those who realise there is nothing to get”, are also implicit in the video. That is definitely what I state as "no political consciousness what so ever", no interest, no curiosity, no enthusiasm. I must agree with something that I read stating that if there is no political consciousness there is no aliveness but rather death of the human brain. Certainly it must have been or Bertolt Brecht, Paolo Virno, Guy Debord, Elfriede Jelinek or Filippo Tommaso Emilio Marinetti which are my favourite thinkers in what concerns a change within political and social consciousness and awareness.
