M00-0364 interviews | Exhibition [05/02/2010]

The “M00-0364 interviwes” video exhibition took place at the Observatory at Wimbledon College of Arts. From the feedback's I have got the video was presented in a very professional way and what most triggered the audience was the answers to the questions, the body language and capacity of some interviewed to articulate in an immediate response what has been asked or commented by a physician, a doctor an artist and The Guardian newspaper. What has to be unfortunately pointed out as a negative aspect of the exhibition is that there were tutors at the College and there has been no interest from them to appear and comment on the exposed working progress from the VLP students. The constant disinterest from the tutors has grown and moreover leaves the students without a cohesive feedback. Having said that I do not by any means dismiss my colleagues comments on my work but I underline the careless behaviour by tutors in this institution.

The video installation was presented in 16.9 format projected in a wall.
